Chapter Test 5 Continued Glencoe Division

What are the components of a vector of magnitude 28.5 km at an angle of 42.0° from the positive x-axis?
A) 604 km, 544 km B) 21.2 km, -19.1 km C) 112 km, 91 km D) 21.2 km, 19.1 km 2
Which of the following equations represents the Pythagorean theorem?
A) R2 = A2 - B2 B) R 2 = A 2 + B 2 + 2AB cos ? C) R 2 = A 2 + B 2 - 2AB cos ? D) R 2 = A 2 + B 2 3
Find the magnitude of the sum of a 10-m displacement and a 5-m displacement when the angle between them is 45°.
A) 11 m B) 9 m C) 7 m D) 14 m 4
A car is driven 724.0 km due north, then 895.0 km due west. What is the magnitude of its displacement?
A) 171 km B) 1151 km C) 805 km D) 1619 km 5
A(n) __________ is a vector that is equal to the sum of two or more vectors.
A) resultant B) graphical representation C) displacement D) addition vector 6
To find the magnitude of the resultant vector for two vectors that are at some angle other than 90°, use __________.
A) the Pythagorean theorem B) R 2 = A 2 + B 2 C) R 2 = A 2 - B 2 D) the Law of Cosines 7
The process of breaking a vector into its components is called __________.
A) trigonometry B) graphical representation C) vector resolution D) reduction 8
Find the magnitude of the sum of a 27-m displacement and a 34-m displacement when the angle between them is 118°.
A) 52 m B) 43 m C) 32 m D) 16 m 9
What is the magnitude of your displacement when you follow directions that tell you to walk 150.0 m north, then 25.0 m east?
A) 150 m B) 152 m C) 175 m D) 127 m 10
When there is no relative motion between two surfaces, the force exerted by one surface on the other is called __________.
A) resistance B) the kinetic force C) kinetic friction force D) the static friction force 11
A sled of mass 40.0 kg is pulled along flat, snow-covered ground. The static friction coefficient is 0.28, and the kinetic friction coefficient is 0.080. What force is needed to keep the sled moving at a constant velocity?
A) 310 N B) 3.2 N C) 31 N D) 3900 N 12
The __________ is the force exerted on one surface by another when the surfaces are in relative motion.
A) apparent weight B) kinetic friction force C) kinetic coefficient D) static friction force 13
A sled of mass 40.0 kg is pulled along flat, snow-covered ground. The static friction coefficient is 0.28, and the kinetic friction coefficient is 0.08. What force will be needed to start the sled moving?
A) 110 N B) 31 N C) 147 N D) 392 N 14

In the diagram below, if A's magnitude is 16 N and B's is 25 N, what is the magnitude of C?

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A) 30 N B) 19 N C) 16 N D) 41 N 15
A 75-kg person on skis is going down a hill sloped at 30.0°. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the skis and the snow is 0.15. How fast is the skier going 10.0 s after starting from rest?
A) 78 m/s B) 78 m/s2 C) 36 m/s2 D) 36 m/s 16
A 475-N trunk is resting on a plane inclined 40.0° above the horizontal. Find the components of the weight force parallel and perpendicular to the plane.
A) F gx = -364 N, F gy = -305 N B) F gx = 364 N, F gy = 305 N C) F gx = 305 N, F gy = 364 N D) F gx = -305 N, F gy = -364 N 17
A force that produces equilibrium is a(n) __________
A) net force B) constant C) equilibrant D) resultant 18
Two ropes pull on a ring. One exerts a 50.0-N force at 42.0°, the other an 87.0-N force at 70.0°. What is the net force on the ring?
A) 133 N at 60.0° B) 100 N at 60.0° C) 133 N at 30.0° D) 100 N at 56.0° 19

If in the diagram below, the skier has mass 45 kg and the slope is at 35°, what is the normal force of the hill on the skier?

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A) cannot be determined with the given information B) 440 N C) 250 N D) 360 N 20
Two forces are exerted on an object. A 43-N force acts exactly at 240° and a 67-N force acts at 300°. What are the magnitude and direction of the equilibrant?
A) 98 N at 7° B) 98 N at 277° C) 84 N at 97° D) 98 N at 97° 21

In the diagram below, if B's magnitude is 50 N and C's is 30 N, what is the magnitude of A?

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A) 80 N B) 20 N C) 40 N D) 58 N 22
A 175-N sign is supported in a motionless position by two ropes that each make 53.0° angles with the horizontal. What is the tension in the ropes?
A) 146 N B) 310 N C) 175 N D) 110 N


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